Wednesday, May 8, 2013

no. 182

"So to punish the Devil for trying to overthrow him - which wouldn’t have happened anyway because HE’S GOD and he could just will him out of existence - God decides to throw him out of heaven, but just let him have total freedom otherwise. So the Devil can run around completely fucking up everything God tries to do from then on, meaning that millions of souls will be tortured in hell for all eternity.

This is like if you threw a wad a paper at your Dad, and he “punished” you by signing the house over to you and not doing anything as you set fire to the lawn.

Come on. Zeus turned into a cow to have sex with married women, and even his plans were more rational than this.

And before you guys say “GOD’S MIND IS SO GREAT WE CANNOT UNDERSTAND HIS WAYS,” I just want to point out that God intentionally made us too stupid to understand him, and yet, even in that state, the stuff he does looks to us like arbitrary, short-sighted, nonsensical bullshit.

Which demonstrates a larger point. He made us idiots, and then set the Devil loose on us. And the only salvation we get from this is after we die a miserable death, he won’t torture us forever.

I don’t believe in God, so to me, this is all just goofy Iron Age mythology. But to those of you who do believe in him…what, do you just not think about all this?"

Fat, Angry, Godless Freak. via The Virgin Prince

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